As One uCity Square nears capacity, developer plots surrounding innovation campus and hotel addition

Some tenants at One uCity Square have already settled in and begun undertaking research, while others are anxious for their space to be fit out. At full capacity, tenants and developers alike anticipate the 400,000-square-foot building will foster interdisciplinary collaboration and scientific breakthroughs, something the developer will look to further with future area projects, including a potential hotel addition.
The building at 25 N. 38th St., which opened in January, is now 93% leased. Penn Medicine’s Institute for RNA Innovation has moved in and started conducting research. Come May, it will be joined by Penn Engineering’s Center for Precision Engineering for Health. Combined, Penn research teams will take up 115,000 square feet of space, or more than a quarter of the building.
This spring will mark the first time Penn Engineering and Penn Medicine will have operations under the same roof, Penn Engineering Senior Associate Dean David Meaney said.
“This environment will facilitate growth and collaboration here,” said John Grady, senior vice president and Northeast region executive for Wexford Science & Technology, the building’s developer. “But it will also send a signal outside of here to other cities that this is the place to be for research like what’s happening with mRNA and biomedical research.”
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